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We Have an Energy Emergency. Right Here. Right Now.

We have an emergency. Protect your right to make your own electricity. To compete cost-effectively. And, to live sustainably. For your business or home. Choice is what will make electricity affordable. Today, San Diego Gas & Electric and the other two Investor Monopolies are working overtime to take away all choice in making your own electricity; improving the grid; protecting the climate; hiring local workers; and, lowering business and living costs.

We’d like you to know how the San Diego Energy District has worked for ten years to protect energy choice in San Diego County, California and internationally.

As a public service, the San Diego Energy District provides a no-cost webinar,

“California 2021: The Pending Loss of Energy Choice” to request a webinar for your organization.

The Emergency Energy Education Fund


You’d like to get rooftop solar for your home, but SDG&E is about to make it unaffordable. That’s where the San Diego Energy District can help. We give impartial advice showing how you can quickly join the thousands of Californians saving money, employ local workers, green the environment, and protect the climate. We’ve been doing that for 10 years right here in San Diego.

The advisory service from the San Diego Energy District is strictly impartial. We do not represent any vendors. Our service exists to get you started or consult with you through the entire process. Each consultant has over 15 years of experience in the renewable energy field.

We advise purchasing a one-time consultation today. This consultation is a low-cost, fixed fee.

It is efficient and includes the research of your building or home; your electrical use; and, your federal IRS tax situation.

It is imperative to obtain a system under the rules of Net Metering 2.0 because the California Public Utilities Commission is hearing a proposal for Net Metering 3.0 from the Investor Owned Monopolies which would make a system too costly to operate. In short, the monopolies are looking to kill solar and lock you into their service indefinitely.


If you are an owner of a commercial property, a REIT manager, or an advisor to a building owner, we strongly recommend reading this case study. 

Download Case Study

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