10 years of SDED milestones
Explore our journey in this timeline below!
- Community Choice Energy (CCE) was brought to San Diego. Check out this link to know more about CCE.
- SDED’s Launch
SDED was formed in 2011 to put Community Choice on San Diego’s public agenda.
- Provided a supporting role to education about CC Agregation
The AB 2145 saga that arose the summer of 2014 represented the ultimate David and Goliath Story. This bill would have gutted Community Electricity Choice by removing a core provision — the ability to start a CCA with all community members enrolled. Without this provision, a CCA cannot reach the scale needed to launch successfully.
Throughout the summer, many amendments were offered. Several of these attempted to further restrict the ability of communities to form community choice districts. Each amendment had to be evaluated, prior to collective action. In each case, the statewide coalition prevailed.
Success was secured because an informed group of dedicated Californians took on AB 2145 sponsor Assembly Member Bradford, his supporters in the Assembly and in the utilities PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE, and his shills pulled in from far and wide. It took vigilance and perseverance. How did we do it? One dedicated day at a time.
- In 2015 California’s landmark climate action bill SB350 did not start out supportive of Community Choice; rather, it contained several IOU-supported elements that would have severely curtailed local choice. Like its partners statewide, SDED took action.
- In 2017, SDED prioritized Outreach and Education. This Initiative consisted of three headline events and two related activities: “San Diego 2017 Community Choice Forum”, “Electricity Storage and Community Choice: A Discussion Paper”, “The Business of Local Energy Symposium 2017”, Revitalizing the “Ambassadors” program, and “Energy Storage North America”
- Launch of CCAs in San Diego
- Energy Futures Academy (EFA)
A major 2018 initiative, EFA resulted from SDED’s participation in the University of San Diego’s Non-Profit Institute of Leadership’s Catalyst Challenge, a course in innovation and “outside the box” program design. The challenge: to develop leadership artistry as exemplified by an innovative stretch project designed to catapult SDED to the next level of excellence and success.
SDED pioneered the Energy Futures Academy in late 2018 through its “beta” offering, to test content and program format. The beta focused largely on the fundamentals of Community Choice Energy, structures, risks and benefits, impacts and rewards, and examined how Community Choice will continue to alter the energy landscape.

Fridays for Future
This organization is headed in the right direction: structural change to capitalism.
Groups we actively support and champion
Our Children’s Trust. Nature and Culture. The Climate Center. The Schmidt Family Foundation. California Alliance for Clean Energy.
Solar Rights Alliance. Protect Our Communities. San Diego Swedish American Chamber of Commerce. Bill Powers, Tara Hammond, Al Weinrub, John Gartman, Charles Smith, Mike Levin.

Inventions from the people of the Energy Futures Academy, the San Diego Energy District and the Center for Community Energy.
Hospital Boiler Water from Waste
By producing hydrogen on-site from waste including all plastics and organics, this invention will create an entirely new model for waste processing.

Refrigerator Battery
A thin panel behind a refrigerator that interconnects the refrigerator to the grid that contains a battery to run when the grid needs energy or when there is an outage.

Infrastructure Development
Groundbreaking Infrastructure From the Center for Community Energy
Under the leadership of Dr Jose Torre-Bueno and Susan Wayo, CCE is now a leader in advanced engineering and modeling of large scale commercial solar and Vehicle to Building (V2B) infrastructure. SDED will assist CCE in San Diego to site more projects for building owners with large parking lots and high demand charges.

Legislate Change
Organize a Meeting with a Congressman or a California Legislator
These are small, safe meetings/fundraisers throughout California where lawmakers hear the requirement for decisive new laws to end the combustion of fossil fuels. Anyone with some outside space at their home can participate.
Check this out and learn more about why we legislate change:
California Assembly Debating Solar Energy Reforms
AB 1139, the Utility Profit-Grab Bill Defeated
Elias: Proposed California Assembly bill could kill rooftop solar

Field trips for EFA
The Energy Futures Academy will organize a number of field trips including plans to visit one of the world’s largest utility-scale battery plants in Otay Mesa, San Diego.

Convert monopoly utilities to
publicly owned
The Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) of CA “are a cancer”
So said a business owner referring to San Diego Gas & Electric rates on his business.
During the next few years, Investor Owned Energy Monopolies must be transitioned out of existence and become public entities of and for the people. The days of PG&E, SCE and SDG&E as investor-owned are numbered.